Imagine. Inspire. Create.
Our Humble Beginning
Jade was born at 26 weeks gestation, weighing less than 1 ½ pounds. She was so tiny! From birth, she lived in the hospital for 6 months until she was finally discharged to her home in Oak Harbor, Washington. Jade has defied all odds and she inspired her parents, Carina and Jerry Hopen, to establish Tiny Jade Inspirations, an organization that fosters a supportive environment where special needs families can find support and realize that anything is possible!
In 2016, Tiny Jade Inspirations (TJI) was originally created to offer families a creative space to make art in the form of art parties. Since then, the organization has pivoted its focus from creating art to helping families thrive and find personal growth through support groups and education workshops.
Creativity remains at the heart of TJI, and it continues to sell tiny, affordable paintings created Carina. All of the proceeds from the art sales will be used to fund the organization's efforts to help their community thrive!